Eichler Home Tour Raises $96K for Highlands Elementary

The 2023 Highlands Eichler Home Tour is a wrap! By all accounts it was a smashing success. Over $96K was raised for Highlands Elementary PTA. Funds raised will be used for a variety of initiatives, including: funding a full time general ed paraprofessional, the chess club, math club, theater program, and much more!
Once again, the event had strong attendance, with over 1,400 Eichler fans converging on the Highlands for the tour. Visitors came from all over California and several other states, including: AZ, UT, NV, WA and NC. A handful of Canadians visited, and one person from London, England was the furthest traveled attendee.
Special Thanks To:
Principal Betti and the Highlands Elementary PTA, teachers and staff
Dennis Mayer, our amazing photographer who donated his time and talent
The homeowners who graciously opened up their amazing Eichlers
Monique & Peter Anton for hosting the VIP party
Our 37 participating sponsors for their contributions and support
Shout out to all the volunteers who helped in so many ways - we could not have done it without you! 92 parents, teens and community members pitched in to stuff goodie bags, work at registration and/or docent a tour home.
Thank you all for contributing your valuable time and energy!
Event Photography by: CPoluk Design & Photo